Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Various Ways Social Media Can Influence a Business

Social Media Presence Holds the Real Value

Social media platforms influence a business online now more than anything else. They do so in various ways aside from the number of likes on a Facebook page or the number of followers a Twitter or an Instagram account has. Although the more of a following a business has the better, the presence online in social media is what counts the most. There are some key reasons why a mere presence in social media for a business and its customers is crucial.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Is Rent Control Unfair for New Residents?

Is Rent Control Unfair for New Residents?
Many people feel that rent control is unfair for new residents, mainly because long time tenants enjoy lower rents than newcomers. Rent control is controversial at best, which is why most states have done away with it. Despite the controversy, rent control policies remain in force in some urban areas of the United States.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

How to Become a Leading Investor in NY

How to become a leading investor in NY - Roman Temkin

Once the graduate degree is in hand, forward movement is the next big step. Many graduate students will naturally consider the path forward to become a leading investor in N.Y. NewYork's financial district is a maze and a wonderland of intricacies that grad students need to study carefully before choosing the best path forward.