Tuesday, December 29, 2015

If You Love Risk, You Need Big Data...

A recent article in Forbes called big data a “smoke detector” for risk. So, what do the most successful risk takers in business understand about the benefits of big data? Check this out...

Natural disasters might sound like risks that only property insurance companies have to worry about. But fires, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes and other natural disasters can create huge supply chain issues as well. These challenges can play havoc on major retailers, but they can also hurt small, locally owned and sourced businesses too.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

5 Most Iconic Buildings in South Florida

Roman Temkin - South Florida Airplane View

Iconic buildings depict a city's character, heart, and soul. Extraordinary design draws the public eye. It's also a source of residential pride. South Florida engineers are masterful creators, able to construct the seemingly impossible. Here are five examples of engineering genius that fared well on the Florida market.